Hey Everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since I last posted! Life has been absolutely crazy over these past few weeks. I find myself being confused about what day it is because I literally have no idea. I am in my senior year of college, and I have never been busier in my life. On an average week I work at least 35 hours, go to class, do church stuff, and somehow manage to maintain some sort of social life. My Mom and Dad tell me, "welcome to the real world," and they are exactly right. It can be hard to go, go, go all the time, but for the most part I love what I am doing. It has been a challenge for me to manage my time, and be intentional about things that are important to me in my life. I straight up suck at time management, but I have been forced to get better. It also doesn't hurt that my room-mates are extremely busy with life as well, and I don't have as may opportunities to procrastinated. Don't worry, I still slack off a majority of the time ;)
Due to my lack of posting lately, I figured it might be kind of nice to fill everyone in on what is going on in my life. Get ready for the typical long, boring post of mine. Bear with me.
As most of you know I took the MCAT on September 1st. The test was four hours long, and I never ever ever ever want to take it again. It was one of the hardest things I have ever imagined doing. Even worse than that, I had to wait an entire month to get, quite possibly, the biggest test results of my life back. Bad News: my score was NOT what I was hoping for, and lower than what I would have been happy with. Good News: I can still get into all of the schools I applied to. I was crushed when I got my results back, but it has turned into a positive. I have been forced to have faith that if this is truly the path God has called me to follow that he will take care of it. While it may not be this year, or even next year, the obstacles I am encountering are all part of God's plan in molding me into the man he wants me to be. I have struggled to accept that my God is bigger than a test score, but he continues to open up doors, and amaze me with his faithfulness. I am also extremely blessed to have the greatest family and friends in the world. There is no way I could have made it this far without their prayers and encouragement.
On a lighter note, I got a new job! I was recently hired at Covenant Hospital in Waterloo. I word in the Emergency Room (or Emergency Department as they call it) as a Scribe. The position of a scribe is a fairly new position, and Covenant is one of only a few hospitals to have scribes working. Essentially I follow around a physician into an exam and do all of the medical documenting for them. I document the exam, procedures, and enter diagnoses/discharge instructions. Along with documenting I help the physicians keep up with lab and test results as to help them be more efficient in seeing patients. If you are a science nerd, you would love this job! I get to nerd out every day at work, and it is completely normal :). It takes a special group of people to be excited about draining an abcess, or shocking a patient out of V-Tach. It has been awesome to get to know some of the doctors in the area, and build relationships with them. The best part about this new job is I was able to leave my job at NABL, or the lube shop as most of my friends know it by.
Probably the coolest part of the school year this far was actually going back home to the wonderful town of Oskaloosa for homecoming. I have not been home for homecoming since I started college. I was asked to come back for an award I shared with one of my best friends (Steven Staggs). We were co-winners of the Benz Award our Senior Year of football. Come to find out this is one of the oldest running trophies in the state of Iowa. This year the Oskaloosa Boosters Club tried to bring back all the past award winners of the trophy for the parade and homecoming game. It was fun to reunite with some of the past players that I used to idolize as a child, and even meet some of the old timers that played a huge part in developing the football program in Osky. Just a fun fact: The majority of the winners were offensive linemen :) Yeah, we are kind of a big deal haha. The best part of the whole thing was seeing some friends from high school that I have not seen in years! It was nice to catch up with them, and see where life is taking them. All of them are extremely successful, and I am not surprised in the least.
Well that concludes my book for today's post :) I hope you all are doing well, and that this year has been a good one for you. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and please start your own blog! It's surprisingly fun.
Preston Sereg
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